Hardware.info a leading magazine and online community in The Netherlands for digital / computer product news makes a scoop with the first hands-on look at the Playon!HD. They had the opportunity to have a brief hands-on with Playon!HD and immediately grabbed the chance. Hardware.info is very experienced with testing mediaplayers and has extensively reviewed many players online, in print magazine as well as video reviews in their Hardware.info TV. We are excited about what they have to say about the Playon!HD,
Hardware.Info liet de PlayOn!HD alvast eens het standaard testtraject doorlopen, en de speler geeft een positieve indruk: de meeste bestandstypes en codecs worden probleemloos afgespeeld, inclusief lastige H.264 en VC-1 bestanden. Net zoals we zagen bij de O!Play is de chip in deze speler duidelijk sneller dan we tot dusver gewend waren, het menu reageert vlotter en bestanden worden sneller geladen.
English translation:
Hardware.info first puts the Playon!HD through a series of tests and the player makes a positive impression: most file formats and codecs are played without any problems, including “troublesome” H.264 and VC-1 files. Just as we have seen with the O!Play, the chip in this player is clearly faster than what we’ve been used to so far, the menu reacts faster and the files are loaded faster.
Link to original article (Dutch) : http://www.hardware.info/nl-NL/news/ymiclpqXwpyabJY/AC_Ryans_nieuwe_Full_HD_mediaspeler/
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